Melatonin is a quick and safe nighttime sleep aid, but many people worry that Melatonin causes constipation. Many popular sleep aides have uncomfortable side effects like a groggy feeling in the morning, constipation, dizziness and dry mouth – but does Melatonin really cause constipation and irritable bowel syndrome?
Melatonin may be all natural – but that does not mean the supplements you are taking are without side effects.
Melatonin and Constipation
Melatonin tends to have fewer side effects than other sleep aids like prescription sleep aides or over the counter sleeping pills like Unisom or ZzzQuil. Melatonin is a hormone naturally produce by your Pineal gland, located deep inside your head.
Production is normally stimulated by your circadian rhythm with levels peaking when it is time for bed!
Since Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by your body to regulate sleep it is less harsh and tends to produce a more natural sleep cycle than sleeping pills.

Melatonin and Your Diet
Eating a healthy diet is key to avoiding constipation. Some foods like diary, rice and beans, turkey and chicken are all high in Melatonin!
Production is normally stimulated by your circadian rhythm with levels peaking when it is time for bed – just make sure to keep an eye out for eating right before bed!
Since Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced by your body to regulate sleep it is less harsh and tends to produce a more natural sleep cycle than sleeping pills.
Medical Evidence
Most of the medical research around Melatonin is focused around improving circadian rhythms and the sleep cycle. When it comes to constipation and other cramping it is best to be prepared until you know how your body will react to Melatonin.
Avoiding Constipation
If you are taking Melatonin for sleep and want to avoid nighttime and morning constipation try these tips!
How to avoid constipation
- Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Drink water and avoid sugary drinks
- Try fiber supplements
- Get regular exercise
What causes lack of Melatonin?
A lack of Melatonin production can often be attributed to a disruption in your sleep cycle, stress and even aging! Other common factors that can inhibit production from the Pineal Gland include: soda, alcohol, staying up all night and working the night shift.
Fortunately, Melatonin is available in many forms and completely safe to take at night.
Some of the most common symptoms constipation caused by Melatonin are:
- Poor sleep quality
- Irritability during the day
- Struggling to stay awake on the job
- Difficulty waking in the morning
How can I test my Melatonin levels?
There are a number of ways your doctor can test your Melatonin levels. The most common test methods are blood, urine or saliva test to measure active levels in the body.
At home melatonin test are available but they tend to be less accurate the ones run in a lab! We recommend only getting test done by certified labs – and only if your doctor thinks the test are needed.

Marie Seska
Marie Seska is one of the most trusted sources on the net for sleep information. She searches the web - as well as the latest medical journals to bring her readers the latest news and information.